Waldorf School of New Orleans

Although part of the largest independent school movement in the world, The Waldorf School of New Orleans is the only Waldorf School within a 300-mile radius. Founded almost 25 years ago, WSNO competes with well-established private schools and a growing number of charter schools in the Greater New Orleans Area.

Tech stack

  • Language: TypeScript
  • Libraries: React 18, Zod, Framer Motion, Radix UI, Headless UI, Date-fns
  • Frameworks: Next.js 14 (app router), Tailwind CSS
  • Query Languages: GraphQL (Shopify), GROQ (Sanity)
  • Deployment: Vercel
  • CMS: Sanity Content Lake
  • E-commerce: Shopify Storefront API, Donorbox
  • Email: Resend API

Key features

  • Automatic cache purging using webhooks and Next.js tag-based revalidation
  • Combining server-side rendering, static generation, and incremental static regeneration for optimal performance
  • Sanity presentation view + Vercel preview for seeing visual edits in real time
  • Shopify Storefront API (GraphQL) for "headless" E-commerce
  • Image optimization with low-quality image placeholders
  • React Suspense for improved loading experience for dynamic content
  • Dynamic Open Graph images using Next.js Image Response API
  • JSON-LD implementation for rich results (FAQs, products, events, articles, job listings)
  • Automatic sitemap updates
  • Donorbox for donations and ticket sales
  • Eventbrite API integration for tour registration
  • School calendar powered by Google Calendar API with state stored in URL for sharability
  • Zod for runtime type validation of external API responses and form submissions
  • Form submissions using Resend API and server actions
  • CRON jobs refresh API tokens at scheduled intervals
  • Smooth animations and transitions using Framer Motion and Tailwind CSS

Content management

Editors have complete control over the site's content and structure through the embedded Sanity Studio. Sanity's flexible Content Lake serves as a composable schema-less database, allowing for complex content modeling and relationships. This flexibility empowers developers to treat content like data, enabling them to build custom editorial experiences, workflows, and automation.

Published content is cached on Vercel's global CDN and revalidated through webhooks, ensuring content is never stale without compromising speed or resources.

Sanity's presentation mode, paired with Vercel's Preview Deployments, allows editors to see real-time previews of changes before being published.


Ecommerce is powered by the Shopify Storefront API, which handles inventory, variants, collections, and payment processing. Anytime changes are detected, a webhook triggers a cache revalidation request to ensure content is never stale.


The website leverages React Suspense, hybrid rendering, and Vercel's Edge Network for optimal performance.

GROQ (for Sanity) and GraphQL (for Shopify) enable precise, type-safe querying, ensuring only necessary data is fetched, thus minimizing payload sizes and reducing server load.

Progressive loading is used for all images to prevent layout shifts and give users instant feedback. The full-resolution image loads simultaneously and is swapped when ready. NOTE: For this demo, performance has been artificially degraded.

For content that needs to be loaded asynchronously, React Suspense and skeleton UI components ensure a smooth, non-blocking rendering process.

Client side rendering is kept to a minimum by storing state for dynamic content in the URL as much as possible. Another added benefit of this is users can easily share or bookmark links.

Product variant state stored in URL
Product variant state stored in URL

Calendar state stored in URL
Calendar state stored in URL

Lighthouse mobile audit
Lighthouse mobile audit

Lighthouse desktop audit
Lighthouse desktop audit
Uptime monitored through Betterstack
Uptime monitored through Betterstack

Search Engine Optimization

Another benefit of server-side rendering is that search engine bots do not have to send pages to the render queue and can instantly crawl the content. This leads to faster indexing and potentially better search engine rankings.

Crawler flow chart
Crawler flow chart

The website is also optimized for social sharing. It utilizes the Open Graph Protocol to automatically generate rich results for static and dynamic content, allowing editors to focus on creating.

Before & After